“I am confident that if my life stopped here and now my epitaph would read:
Fine detail requires hours of painstaking attention and fortunately a strong work ethic has been with me all my life – whatever I have achieved so far has been through hard work. The journey we take has a great influence on who we are, so I have many people to thank for their contribution.
I was born in the village of Welland, near Malvern in Worcestershire, in 1951. I had the perfect childhood; loving parents, beautiful countryside and a countless selection of animals. What better start could any person have?
I was married to Keith in 1970 when we moved to Bristol. What a culture shock that was, but it was there that my artistic talent really started to grow. Pencil was always my first love in mediums, even at school, so when the chances came to develop that skill I have always taken the opportunities with great relish.
After the arrival of our two sons, Steven and Christopher, I trained in the confectionery industry and for nearly 25 years I ran my own business designing and constructing bespoke cakes. This gave me many hours of practice with pencil on a constant basis and I believe this is the reason that lies at the root of my success.
I love colour, texture and the effects of light. To achieve realism on a flat surface has been a long learning curve. Now with huge leaps in the development of coloured pencils, my excitement and enthusiasm has exploded again.
Surrounded as I am by beautiful countryside, I have lived with my family, horses and pets for the last 20 years, just outside the Georgian city of Bath. Keith has been my constant companion and even during his 32 years as a fire officer has found time to be my support. Talented himself, his eyes and wonderful ability to see perspective have been my best critic.
I strive daily to grow as an artist, practice continually and love to see constant development. I have had invaluable help from at least 3 great teachers, I congratulate and thank them for their honesty and ability to pass on their knowledge and talent. I will aspire to do the same.
Miss Turner, as she was then, allowed me to spend countless hours in the art room at school, always enthusiastic and supporting. Ann Swan – a world renowned Pencil Artist who has been a mentor and teacher in the last few years – and last, but not least, Jos Pinto – my constant “eyes on the ground” who has had the most profound effect on how I see and portray tonal shading. She has helped me to become brave.
I was honoured to be awarded full membership to the SBA (Society of Botanical Artists) in 2014.
I continue to learn, every day. Botanical Art requires accuracy, without exception, to all aspects of nature’s beauty. There is no license to stray. My particular attention to detail, together with my own individual style is forever evolving.
Josie White, S.B.A – Botanical Artist